Why choose Inventure for your job search?
We focus exclusively on the Green Energy sector. We know our stuff and we’re networked with the right people.
We’re continually recruiting for a host of interesting jobs all over the country (& sometimes ex-USA) Our clients take every Inventure candidate submission seriously.
We follow a clear, logical process to minimise everyone’s stress We’re knowledgeable about industry remuneration We’re a friendly bunch! Let’s get to know you…

Before applying for a job:
Check the job description to ensure your technical/managerial skills are a good fit - or at least your career is pathing in the right direction.
Research the company - its purpose, values, people & products. Speak to your network. Would you fit in there and be happy?
Be honest with yourself about practical issues like location, work patterns & likely pay. Job offers can come rapidly & you may damage your reputation if you haven't thought things through.
Now it's time to click the apply button & get started!
We'll check your CV & application, and if we think you're a good match we'll soon be in touch to guide you through the process, and when the job offer comes...
Let us help you get the best deal. We know the clients & can talk directly on your behalf without embarrassment